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Derek Dunlop Photography

Scotland wedding photographer based in Ayrshire

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Top 20 Wedding Photographers in the UK

photography for vibrant & relaxed couples

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"You wouldn't find better photography in Vogue! He has a real eye for colour and lighting." Chani Lillian

Booking 2025-26-27 Check my availability

Ayrshire Wedding


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Im delighted to have been selected by Wedding & Honeymoon Magazine as their Top 20 UK Wedding Photographers (and number 1 in Ayrshire)

It's such a great honour to be recognised in this way by the UKs No.1 Best selling bridal magazine.

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front cover of ultimate wedding magazine
Front Cover
Ultimate Wedding
Front cover
In Ayrshire Magazine

Derek Dunlop Photography - worked with these brands

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“I hate getting my picture taken” Does this ring bells with you?

"At Derek Dunlop Photography, I understand the significance of a photograph.

Occasions come and go; photographs last forever."